Sunday, January 24, 2010

My New BFF

Well i know exactly what you're gonna tell me... a Chloe?!? Again!!!!!!! Sorry guys i can't help it it is a obsession... so parisian chic!

My new Chloe is my new BFF we hang out together, go out for coffee, shopping session.

Her name MARLOW

Do you like it guys??


  1. i love it , u know what i don`t have any chloe bag !! i alwayes change my mind , but its really looks nice with your outfit

  2. euuuuuh! oui J'ADOOOOOOORE. wouldnt mind to add it in my bag collection:)

  3. I'm having a Chloe moment so I'm all for Chloe.. great choice! ;)

  4. You're incredibly Chic. I love it :)


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